David N. Abdulai, is currently the CEO/Executive Director of the Graduate Scholl of Business Leaderhsip at the University of South Africa. He holds graduate degrees from the Graduate School of International Studies from the University of Denver, and the School of International Services at the American University in Washington, DC. He has written widely in the areas of culture and leadership as well as on development issues pertaining to Africa.
Yehuda Baruch, is Professor of Management at UEA Norwich UK and formerly held visiting positions at the University of Texas at Arlington, and London Business School. He published extensively in the areas of Global and Strategic HRM, Careers, and Technology Management, including over 80 referred papers, in journals including Human Resource Management, Organizational Dynamics, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Relations and Organization Studies and over 20 books and book chapters, including Managing Career: Theory and Practice and Opening the Black Box of Editorship. Editor of Group and Organization Management and former Chair, Careers Division, Academy of Manangement.
Rhona G. Berengut, MBA, is a Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at the Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. She is a founding partner of SIGMA Strategic Solutions Inc. where she works with organizations to align people, performance and strategic purpose. In her practice, Rhona works with organizations to understand their culture and the impact of culture on organization dynamics and performance. Her areas of specialization include: Leading Sustainable Strategic Change, Critical Thinking and Innovation Skills, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Strategic Analysis. Rhona is a Certified Facilitator and Strategic Planner, Executive and EQ Coach.
Nina D. Cole, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management at the Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. She is a past president of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and a member of Academy of Management and the Academy of International Business. She has lectured on leadership to classes in Canada, Australia, Cambodia, and the Phillipines. Her past programme of research on applying organizational justice theories to human resource management activities has become more global and her current research focuses on cross-cultural organizational justice and management of expatriate employees.
Patricia Friedrich, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language, Cultures and History at Arizona State University. A trained Sociolinguist, Dr. Friedrich's research focuses on the social, political and economic impact of the spread of languages throughout the world and on issues of intercultural communication especially at the firm level. She is the author of Language, Negotiation and Peace: the Role of English in Conflict Resolution (Continuum Books, 2007) and the editor of Teaching Academic Writing (Continuum Books, 2008). Her work has appeared in such journals as Harvard Business Review, Management Research, World Englishes and the International Journal of Applied Linguistics. She is a member of the editorial board of the International Multilingual Research Journal.
Rajender Kaur is Assistant Professor of English at William Paterson University, NJ, where she teaches courses in Postcolonial Studies and World Literatures. Her primary research has been on the Literature of the Bengal Famine of 1943 and she also works on social justice and the environment, gender and culture in South Asia, and South Asian Literatures. Currently she is working on a book project, South Asians in North America: A Documentary History to be published by Rutgers UP in 2009.
Eric H. Kessler, Ph.D. is a senior Professor of Management at Pace University in New York City and founding Director of the Lubin Leaders and Scholars Program, which prepares students for careers in global business leadership. He is a Fellow and past President of the Eastern Academy of Management, the northeastern United States association of business management scholars, and during the time organized a symposium on cultural mythology and leadership at the EAM-International conference in Cape Town, South Africa that formed the foundation for this book. He has served on several editorial boards and as the guest editor for a number of professional journals, as well as on review panels with the US National Security Education Program. Dr. Kessler has published or presented over 100 scholarly papers in top academic outlets and conferences, won numerous research and teaching awards, and is the author or editor of several additional books including Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Wisdom (2007, Sage Publications) and Management Theory in Action (forthcoming). He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and has been inducted into national and international honour societies in Business, Economicas, Forensics, and Psychology. Professor Kessler instructs courses on the doctoral, masters, and bachelors levels, has led several international field studies, and has worked as an executive educator, policy analyst, and business consultant for public and private organizations. His professional traverls have taken him across the six continents represented in this volumer. Eric is an avid reader of history and philosophy, a sports and puzzle junkie, as well as the spinner of many a bad pun. He lives with his best friend/wife, two terrific sons, and a faithful Black Labrador.
Aviv Barhom-Kidron, is a doctorate candidate in the Graduate School of Management at the University of Haifa. She received her MA in organizational sociology from Bar-Ilan University. She also teaches as an instructor at the Open University of Israel. Her current research interest includes human resource management integration. and leadership. Her articles have been published in The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science.
Mitsuru Kodama, is a Professor of Information and Management in the College of Commerce and Graduate School of Business Administration at Nihon University. His research papers have been published in Long Range Planning, Organization Studies, Technovation, and Research-Technology Management, among others. He published three books: The Strategic Community-Based Firm (Palgrave Macmillian, 2007), Knowledge Innovation- Strategic Management As Practice (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007), Project-Based Organization In The Knowledge-Based Society (Imperial College Press, 2007).
David Lamond, during the time his chapter was being written, was Founding Dean of the Kochi International Business School (KiBS) in India, where he was living out Gandhi's injunction to be the change he wished to see in the world. His doctoral degree, from Macquarie University, was focused on person and situation antecedents of managerial behavior. David has worked in many countries and regions- India, China, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the UK- drawing on his insights from those experiences and his migrant Celt background to inform the analysis in the current chapter. Currently, David serves as the Associate Dean at the Nottingham Business School and the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Management History.
Adriana Victoria Garibaldi de Hilal, Doctor in Business Administration with focus in International Business (Federal University of Rio de Janerio-COPPEAD). Has a post-doctorate at IRIC (Institute for the Research on Intercultural Cooperation)- Tilburg University- Netherlands, where she held the position of Hofstede Fellow. She is a full time Associtate Professor of Organizations and International Business at COPPEAD/UFRJ. She also has been involved in cross-cultural research with Professor Hofstede (Netherlands); writes articles and books, which have been published internationally and in Brazil, and works as a consultant. She has participated in several projects dealing with organizational culture/ national culture, leadership and change, focusing on takeovers, mergers, acquisitions, and the internationalization of companies.
Shanti Gopalakrishnan, is a Professor and Associate Dean at the School of Management, at NJIT, New Jersey. She received her Ph.D. in Organization Management from Rutgers University. Prior to her Ph.D. she did her MBA and worked in Sales and Product Management for a diversified consumer and industrial products company. Her research interests are in the area of innovation management, strategic management of technology, strategic alliances, and cross-cultural leadership issues. She has published over 20 articles on these topics in top management journals. Dr. Gopalakrishnan is a member of the Academy of Management and was the Past President of Eastern Academy of Management. She sits on the Editorial Board of several management journals.
Dion Greenridge, holds a BA (Honours) in Psychology and an MSc in Work and Organizational Psychology (University of Nottingham). He is currently completing his PhD at Nottingham, and is an instructor with the Department of Management Studies, University of West Indies in Barbados. He has been involved in a number of academic and industry-related research projects and has presented work at regional and international conferences, and published in well-established journals. His research interests are the structure and measurement of personality and other individual differences variables, and employee job performance constructs- task performance, contextual performace, and counterproductive work behaviors.
Andres Hatum, is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at IAE Business School at Austral University (Argentina). He received his Ph.D. in Management and Organization from Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick (UK). His research interests include flexibility in organizations, management across cultures in Latin American countries, the study and dilemmas of careers and talent management in firms in the region. Andres Hatum has published books in English and Spanish. His latest book is Adaptation or Exploration in Family Firms: determinants of organizational flexibility in emerging economies (Edward Elgar, 2007).
Romie F. Littrell, BA, MBA, PhD, FIAIR, is Associate Professor of International Business at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand, and has been involved in academic teaching and research for 12 years in the USA, China, Switzerland, Germany, and New Zealand, and as a visiting professor in China, India, and Turkey. He is facilitator of the Centre for Cross-Cultural Comparisions and of the Leadership and Management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa biennial conferences. Industry experience includes management and markeing in the USA, England, the Caribbean and Latin America, and China. His research interests are leadership and management across cultures.
Daniel J. McCarthy, is the Alan S. McKim and Richard A. D'Amore Distinguished Professor of Global Management and Innovation at Northeastern University, and a Fellow at the Davis Center for Russian Studies at Harvard University. His research and publications center on strategic management, entrepreneurship, and corporate governance, particularly in Russia's transitioning economy. He has more than 85 publications, including numerous journal articles, four editions of Business Policy and Strategy, Business and Management in Russia, The Russian Capitalist Experiment, and Corporate Governance in Russia. He earned his AB and MBA degrees from Dartmouth College and his DBA from Harvard University.
Luiz Mesquita, is Assistant Professor of Strategy and International Management, at the School of Global Management, Arizona State University. He has published on alliance management, networks of SMEs, cross-cultural management and business groups in emerging economies in academic journals such as the Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Business Studies and Management Research, among others. He is also the co-editor of Can Latin American Firms Compete? (Oxford University Press), as well as Entrepreneurial Strategies: New Technologies and Emergina Markets (Blackwell).
Mohamed M. Mostafa, Ph.D. University of Manchester UK is a Visiting Professor of Marketing at Auburn University, AL, USA, having previously been employed at universities in Egypt, Cyprus, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait. His research has appeared in several leading academic peer reviewed journals, including Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Managerial Psychology, International Journal of Consumer Studies, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Cross-Cultural Management, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, International Journal of Business Performance Management and Journal of Economic Studies. He has also presented numerous papers at professional conference worldwide.
Afsaneh Nahavandi, is a Professor of Public Administration and Associate Dean of the College of Public Programs at Arizona State University. Her areas of specialty are leadership, culture, ethics, and teams. She has published articles about these topics in journals such as the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Management Studies, the Journal of Business Ethics, and the Academy of Managment Executive. Her article about teams won the Academy of Management Executive's 1994 Best Article award. She has written books about cultures and mergers and organizational behaviour and is the author of The Art and Science of Leadership now in its fifth edition.
George O. Ndege, is currently an Associate Professor of History at Saint Louis University. He has previously taught at Maseno and Moi Universities in Kenya. His research focuses on state and society in colonial and postcolonial Africa. Ndege is the author of Health, State, and Socieity in Kenya (2001), and Culture and Customs of Mozambique (2007). He has many articles in journals, books, and encyclopedias, most recently in the Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies, Economic History of Kenya, Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Democracy in Africa and the Encyclopedia of African History.
Theodore Peridis, B.Sc., MA, M.Phil., Ph.D., is a Professor of Strategic Management at the Schulich School of Business, in Toronto, Canada and the Director of the Global Leadership Program. He has taught at universities in Europe, North America, Asia, and the Middle East. He has worked with many companies and government committees on industrial policy and has acted as a special consultant on issues of acquisitions and alliances. His work and lesuirely pursuits have taken him to over six continents and over 50 countries but he still can't find his way around his own backyard. He was named Best in Class by the Canadian Business magazine and Professor of the Year by the Kellogg/Schulich EMBA programme.
Sheila M. Puffer, is Walsh Research Professor and Cherry Family Senior Fellow of International Business at Northeastern University, and a Fellow at the Davis Center for Russian Studies at Harvard University. She has more than 150 publications, including eight books such as The Russian Management Revolution, Business and Management in Russia, The Russian Capitalist Experiment and Corporate Governance in Russia. She is a former editor of The Academy of Management Executive. She holds BA and MBA degrees from the University of Ottawa (Canada), a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and a diploma from the Plekhanov Institute of the National Economy (Moscow).
Betty Jane Punnett, Ph.D. International Business, New York University, is a native of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Professor of International Business/Management, Cave Hill Campus, University of the West Indies, she has published over 50 academic papers in an array of international journals. Recent books are The Handbook for International Management Research, International Perspectives on Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Experiencing International Business and Management and Successful Professional Women of the Americas. Her research interests are culture and management, and Caribbean issues in management and global competitiveness. Professor Punnett recently completed a Fullbright Fellowship with Wayne State University.
Sonja A. Sackmann, has a chair in Organizational Behaviour at the University of Munich and is Director of the Institute of Human Resources and Organization Studies. She has taught at the Graduate Schools of Management at UCLA, USA; St. Gallen, Switzerland; Constance and EBS European Business School, Germany; Vienna, Austria and Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. She has developed and delivered numerours leadership programmes for managers and executives of international and global firms. Her areas of specialization are leadership, culture, team and organizational development. She received her BS and MS in Psychology from the Karl-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg and her Ph.D. in Management from the Graduate School of Management, UCLA. She has published several books and numerous articles.
Stanislav Shekshnia, brings a perspective of a business executive and an academic. He is an Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and a Program Director at the Global Leadership Center at INSEAD where he concentrates on executive development and coaching. Earlier, his experience included a decade of top-level positions in Russia, Eastern Europe, and France. In 2002 he co-founded the international consultantcy, Zest Leadership, which provides personal coaching and leadership development services to business owners and corporate executives. Dr. Shekshnia is the author or editor of seven books and over 50 articles. He has an MBA from Northeastern University and a Ph.D. from Moscow State University.
Tomoatsu Shibata, is a Professor of Technology Management, Graduate School of Management, Kagawa University. His research papers have been published in Research Policy, International Journal of Innovation Management, Business Strategy Series, among others.
John Spillan, MBA and Ph.D. in Business and Management, serves as Associate Professor of Business Administration at The Pennslyvania State University-DuBois Campus. His research interests centre on Crisis Management, International Marketing, Entrepreneurship and International Business with specific interest in Latin America and Eastern Europe. His articles have appeared in the International Journal of Marketing and Marketing Research, Journal of Business in Developing Nations, Southern Business Review, Journal of East West Business, European Management Journal, Journal of Teaching in International Business, Journal of Small Business Strategy, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Crisis and Contingency Management, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, and Journal of World Business among others.
Shay S. Tzafrir, is a senior lecturer in the Department of Human Services at the University of Haifa. He received his Ph.D. in behavioural science from the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology. He serves are associate editor of Journal of Managerial Psychology. His current research interest includes the role trust plays in various organizational factors such as strategic human resource management, leadership, organizational performance, emotion, and service quality. His articles have been published in journals such as Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and others.
Fred O. Walumbwa, Ph.D., The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is an assistant professor of management at Arizona State University. His research interests include leadership development, organizational culture/identity, organizational justice, cross-cultural research, business ethics and multilevel issues in research. He currently serves on the editorial review boards of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management and Leadership Quarterly. He is also a member of the Distinguished Science Advisory Council of Gallup Organization as a Senior Scientist. His latests book (with W.L. Gardner and B.J. Avolio is titled, Authentic Leadership Theory and Practice: Origins, Effects and Development (Volume 3) (Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science, 2005).
Diana J. Wong-MingJi, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at Eastern Michigan University. She also teaches international management, leadership, and organizational development and change. Her research examines how strategic alliances evolve through different competitive conditions and the related development of leadership competencies to manage change. In particular, Diana is interested in organizational change processes related to globalization. Her international experiences include studying indigenous communities while attending the University of Oslo in Norway, working with negotiating teams on subsidies for the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement and later NAFTA; teaching in Papua New Guinea and China; launching an international education agreement between Eastern Michigan University and Osmania University in India. Her professional activities include contributing to the internationalization of organizations, serving as President of the American Society of Training and Development's Ann Arbor chapter, and consulting through her practice, Sensei Change Associates. Currently, Diana resides in Ann Arbor, MI with her family and spends most summers in Vancouver, Canada.
Lena Zander, is Associate Professor at the Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Sweden, and currently Visiting Professor at Victoria University of Wellington, NZ. Her academic background includes studies at the SSE and visiting scholarships at Stanford University and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. She is a member of the Journal of International Business Studies, and the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management's (IJCCM) editorial review boards. Following Lena's multiple awarded Ph.D. dissertation she has published chapters and articles in international books and academic journals, edited books and special issues of IJCCM and International Studies of Management and Organization.
Udo Zander, is Professor and Director of the Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Sweden, and currently Visiting Professor at Victoria University of Wellington, NZ. His academic background includes studies at SSE, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, as well as visiting professorships at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford. Udo is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He has published in journals such as American Sociological Review, European Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, and Organization Science.
Christopher Ziemnowicz, is Professor of Business at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Chair of the Management, Marketing, and International Business Department. His bachelor degree is from George Mason University and MBA from American University in Washington, DC. While at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virgina Tech) he facilitated faculty exchanges with the Social Sciences and Economics Institute at the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska PW). He then earned a Ph.D. at PW in Poland. He has taught at Susquehanna University, College of Saint Rose and Concord University. An extensive traveller, his teaching and research interests include international business and entrepreneurship.